Brianna's page

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Location: Missouri, United States

Friday, October 26, 2007

Chicken TV

Well the chickens needed a bigger area to run around in (we have 50 of them), so Michael set up a great big area (a 4 X 8) pen down in the basement! Now they have LOTS of room to run around..

Well since they are in the basement and we wanted to keep an eye on them without running up an down the stairs all day(me mainly because stairs are getting hard) , Michael set up a camera on a tri-pod down there and ran the wires upstairs to the tv in the computer room.

So all I have to do is push a button and ****PRESTO**** Chicken TV! I can see into their cage, see their water, food, and their heat lamps as well! So I don't have to worry about anything happening to them. :)

It is really cool!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Our new chickens arrived this morning about 6:15 am! YAYY..

We have 50 Danish Brown Leghorns. They are really pretty when they are big. But I just thought I would show everyone our new babies!

Now I couldn't get them ALL in the picture, they won't cooperate.. heheh But you get the idea!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Trip went Poof!

Well my trip went poof! I got to Warrensburg last night and spent the night with my friend. My fibromyalgia decided to act up and I didn't get a lot of sleep..

Well we got up this morning and 1) it was pouring down rain and 2) it was also lightening really bad..

Well I was hurting pretty good anyways and then I started getting really nauseous. I would have sworn I had a hangover, but I haven't had any alcohol in over a year!

My body was just in revolt! So I decided I had better come home, because I was in NO shape to do anyting else.

So my friend went on to RUSH and I started back home. Well between feeling sick and being in pain it took me 3 and 1/2 hours to make about and hour and a half drive! I was having to stop about every 30-40 miles..

Came home, took some medicine and tried to go to sleep but then my phone kept ringing.. Everyone was worried about me and were calling to make sure I was okay, got home okay, etc. Which I really appreciated.

I finally gave up on going to sleep though.

Finally about hafl an hour ago I was able to take my Flexeril (a muscle relaxant) and now I am fixing to go to bed.

I feel really bad that I was not able to teach my classes, but as bad of shape as I was in, I probably would have really messed them up. And when I hurt, I get really short temepered as well. So it probably worked out best all the way around.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I ordered chickens today! YAYYYYYY

We ordered 50 Danish Brown Leghorns--47 pullets and 3 roosters! :)

I can't wait till they get here!

It will be the middle of next week though cause they weren't gonna have anymore til then (the Hatchery I mean).

We order the majority of our fowl, i.e. geese, and chickens from Ideal Poultry. They are a really great Hatchery--

They always have really good prices (and this is compared to McMurray, Estes and Cackle Hatcheries). And a lot of times they have really good sales.

That is how we got our geese. We went in with friends of ours and ordered between all of us 18 (we got six) and instead of $10 each, they were only $5 each!

Once we get them I will take pictures and post them on my blog!

It makes me so mad!

OH it makes me so mad!

I have been watching "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, making the squad" on TV. Why you ask? So when I complain about it I have all the facts, thats why!

It makes me just want to scream! The other night they were listing some of the qualifications to become a cheerleader for them. One of the "qualifications" was that they have to be "a good role model for children"

Good role model for children my foot! How can "having to have a perfect body shape, perfect breasts, perfect hair, etc" be a good role model for little girls?

To me they are a very BAD role model for the young girls in this country! It is like they are saying if you don't have perfect body, etc then you aren't good enough.

And the Miss USA pagent is just as bad!

To me both of these orginizations are telling young girls that for them to become anything, they have to have a perfect body, perfect skin, perfect weight, etc or they will never "be anyting" in their life.. And that is just so wrong!

And don't get me started on these parents they start their little girls out at 3 and 4 years old in these beauty pagents! OH MY GOD! They are dressing these little girls up like 20 year old hookers, with fake hair, fake teeth, etc and they think this is a "good idea" Get real!

When did getting good grades and getting an education to have a good job cease to exist?

I miss Doc!

I really miss Doc, my goose that died several months ago! He was the only one of the geese that would come up to me, climb up in my lap and chew on my hair, etc..

None of the rest do that. They will come close to me, but they won't let me touch them or hold them (unless I can grab one real quick).

I am going to start working on that though. The first thing I have to do though is put the sheep up in a different pen so they (the sheep) won't grab the cookies! Then I can start working more with the geese..

Getting Ready

Well I am getting ready to go to Columbia this weekend!

There is a SCA event going on and I am going to be teaching 2 classes.

The first class is Beginning Blackwork and the second class is Beginning Tablet Weaving!

I have all my information together and ready to go, now I just have to get everything else packed since I am leaving Friday Afternoon!

I am very nervous about teaching these classes though. I really don't like being up in front of people.. sigh.. So we shall see how it goes..

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bathroom Floor

Well Michael decided to pull up the carpet in the bathroom today because it was stained too much to clean and underneath we found this beautiful hardwood floor!

As you can see, it still needs a bit of work, but oh what a beautiful floor!

Sheep's Wool Crimp

I have found out something very interesting about my sheep.

Now last year they had quite a bit of crimp in their wool, which is a good thing. That was their first shearing ever.

Well now they have grown out again and it is even MORE crimpy! I am totally amazed! I mean it is just like blocks of crimp! I can't wait to see how their fleece is when we shear next year!

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Things

Well for those of you that don't know, about two weeks ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

Here is a good link that has all sorts of information about that:

Other than that, things are pretty good here. Just working on finishing up a few projects and going to be starting some more shortly.. heheheh do I ever stop? No! hehhehe

All the pets are good.

We had to clip the geese's wings yesterday. sigh.. They kept flying over the back fence. Since they have already molted for the year though, they should be good til next year! :) The last time we did it I was really upset because I thought I would lose all those quills, but Michael cut them enough that they couldn't fly but they are still long enough to use as quills. :)

The geese are so funny! The other day, one of them was standing on Ernie (the gray sheep) grooming him and all of a sudden Ernie got up and started walking around and the goose stood on his back while he walked around! I wish I had gotten a picture.. I haven't seen them do it again.

Oh and as to the plecos, I am not gonna try and take their picture, I am afraid it would traumatize them too much! They are very jumpy!

I have all my packets ready for RUSH to teach my classes. I am teaching a class on beginning tablet weaving and a class on beginning blackwork. EEK!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well all my critters are good and tonight we got two more critters temporarily.

My mother in law has a pond and she has two plecostomus in it. Well these are pretty big guys, one is almost a foot long and the other is a little over a foot long. Well since they are tropical and can't stay out all winter, and she doesn't have a big enough fish tank for them anymore, my husband and I are going to keep them for the winter!

We went and got them tonight and we will probably have them until April or May, that is when it will be warm enough to put them back out in her pond.

They are really neat to watch! If I can get some pictures I will post them.. But I can't use the flash on the camera, so I might not get any good pics..

Cookies and Presents YAYYY

Well believe it or not I already have my Christmas shopping done for the year! Don't you just hate me?

Well don't! I only have to buy for one person and it was really a no-brainer. I just happend to have the money now, so I went ahead and got Michael's presents.

I can't tell what they are, cause he reads my blog!

I also ordered myself two different kinds of Biscotti off Ebay! I can't wait to see how they are! One I got is Almond Biscotti and the other is going to be Double Chocolate Hazelnut! YUMMM